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I'm here!

Hey! It's been a few weeks since I've posted, but I got lost in "Quarantine Time." Weeks fly by, but the days are long, and it's easy to get swallowed up in the mess of depression. I mean, I was published this month, I am performing a reading on Instagram on the 24th (matthewjohnmeagherbooks), and my business is growing, but I still fight for strands of hope every day.

It's okay to feel down. It's okay to be upset. It's okay to be pissed. We're living in a polarizing country right now, and it's hard because the people you used to know, rely upon, and care about are fleeting. But, I won't flee. I believe there's good in the world. It may be surrounded by shit, but the good is there. We just have to find it.

It's hard right now, plain and simple.

But you're not alone. I refuse to crumble.

Hope is strength. We WILL win. Things will change. Things will get better. But, we can't hope for someone else to do the hard work. Stay strong and true to your core, and we will get through this.

Thank you for listening to my words.

Matthew John Meagher


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