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Tired? Me too... I'm not going to lie, months ago, during the first weeks of Quarantine, I was positive and upbeat, but now I am just...tired.

Even though I want to wallow in my own self-pity, I try to find new ways to invigorate my life. Today, I signed another novel. I have another fan! My short story, Custom Headphones, is being published by 34th Parallel Magazine. It's surreal. Many writers dream of being published...and I did it!

I wrote the story because I was bored and tired during Quarantine. If it weren't for the world falling apart, I don't know if I'de be published. I hate cliches, but the world handed me lemons and made some lemonade. Diamonds come from coal....remember that.

I will keep you informed about my new publication, "Custom Headphones," in 34th Parallel Magazine.

Matthew John Meagher


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